UW - Madison HIV Outreach Project, Community Planning
A Partnership of the Wisconsin HIV Program and the University of Wisconsin - Madison
The Statewide Action Planning Group (SAPG), part of the WI HIV Outreach Project, is
an appointed advisory group to the Wisconsin Division of Public Health (DPH) HIV Program. SAPG assists in the development, implementation and prioritization of HIV prevention and care services in Wisconsin.
Community planning in WI consists of two parts: community engagement and the Statewide Action Planning Group (SAPG).
Community Engagement
Community engagement requires a collaborative interactive process that results in identifying specific strategies to ensure a coordinated and seamless approach to accessing HIV prevention, care, and treatment services for the highest risk populations. This should include ongoing communication and interaction with key stakeholders, HIV service providers and consumers of HIV care, including those not part of SAPG who can best inform and support the goals of the HIV planning process.
Statewide Action Planning Group (SAPG)
Twenty-five to thirty ambassadors facilitate communication in all five regions of the state, participate in developing a joint HIV prevention and care services plan and advise the WI HIV Program on the development, implementation and prioritization of HIV prevention and care services in Wisconsin.
Members for the Statewide Action Planning Group are chosen through a competitive application and selection process.
2024 Statewide Action Planning Group (SAPG) Ambassadors
Demi Jo Carr - Milwaukee
Debbi Eastman - Stoughton
Leanne Eisenhauer - Superior
Anthony Harris - Milwaukee
Meredith Head - Shorewood
Laz Izquierdo - Waukesha
Mercedes Johnson - Milwaukee
Hailey Keeser - Milwaukee
Christopher Lee - Madison, Co-Chair Elect
Falicia Martinez - Beloit, Co-Chair
Ronelle McKernan - Deerbrook
Jamila Mitchell - Milwaukee
Cameron Overton - Shorewood
Danielle Parker - Wausau
Broderick Pearson - Milwaukee
Andy Ringquist - Baraboo
Syd Robinson - State Co-Chair
Justin Roby - Milwaukee
Travis Sackett - Madison
Jennie Steele - LaCrosse
Connor Stone - Madison
Janice Toy - Milwaukee
Maximiliano Udinov-D'Larentez - Madison
Claudia Vicetti - Wauwatosa
Rachel Welsh - State Co-Chair
Carli Whitlock - Milwaukee
Ricky Wynn - Milwaukee
Niko Yelic - Milwaukee
SAPG Meeting Schedule for 2024
June 2024
April 2024
February 2024
February 2024 Orientation
November 2023
September 2023
Advancing Health Equity in an Unseen Population
Harm Reduction
Mpox Update
HIV Prevention and Care Plan Update
The SAPG in consultation with the Wisconsin HIV Program has developed and released the Wisconsin Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan 2022-2026, a statewide planning document which addresses critically important HIV-related services and activities in Wisconsin. Information and documents related to the Integrated Plan can be found at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/hiv/integrated-planning.htm
2022-2026 Wisconsin Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan
| HIV Awareness Days | Throughout the year, health departments, community-based organizations, faith organizations, and other groups and individuals participate in annual national and global awareness days to address the HIV pandemic. We hope the information on this website will help you to educate, motivate, and mobilize your local community in the fight against HIV!